“Dreams on a Pillow” transports players to the pivotal year of 1948, a time when approximately 700,000 people found themselves uprooted from their homes amid the rising tide of Zionist occupation. This game aims to offer an immersive experience, shedding light on the Nakba, a significant event in history that is often overlooked.
Developed by Palestinian creator, Rasheed Abu-Eideh, the game is described as a “pseudo-3D stealth adventure” where players explore a landscape transitioning into a land without its people. However, before diving into the details of this intriguing project, it’s worth taking a look back at Abu-Eideh’s earlier work.
In 2016, Abu-Eideh made waves with the release of “Liyla and the Shadows of War,” a poignant game centered around the 2014 assault on Gaza, known as Operation Protective Edge. This game follows a young Palestinian girl and her family as they navigate the chaos and danger in their besieged neighborhood. Despite being a brief experience, it strikes an emotional chord by intertwining platform mechanics with a choose-your-own-adventure narrative style. Notably, in 2021, “Liyla and the Shadows of War” was featured in an Indie Bundle Pack that impressively raised nearly $900,000 for Palestinian aid through UNRWA USA.
Today, you can access “Liyla and the Shadows of War” for free on both mobile and Windows platforms. However, when it first launched in 2016, it faced a significant hurdle. The Apple App Store initially refused to classify it as a game because of its political theme, suggesting instead that it be labeled as “News” or “Reference.” This move was criticized, especially since Apple had approved other games like “Israeli Heroes” without issue. It was only after Abu-Eideh publicly voiced his concern on social media that Apple relented, allowing “Liyla” to be listed under the games category.
Now, “Dreams on a Pillow” is moving forward, with Abu-Eideh spearheading a crowdfunding campaign on LaunchGood. This campaign will run until January 13, and the funds gathered will fuel the creation of game assets, enable outsourcing, and compensate the nine-member development team. If all goes as planned, players can look forward to exploring this thoughtful new game by late 2026.