Netflix recently unveiled a sneak peek of its upcoming animated series inspired by Devil May Cry, showcasing the opening sequence for Adi Shankar and Studio Mir’s anime take on the popular Capcom franchise. In an unexpected yet fitting twist, the anime is set to open with Limp Bizkit’s “Rollin’,” a hit single from the nu metal band’s 2000 album, Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water. This choice sends a clear message—get ready for a nostalgic ride.
Devil May Cry, like Limp Bizkit’s third album, hails from the vibrant early 2000s, a fact that makes purists wish for the original soundtrack. But there’s no denying “Rollin’” fits the vibe perfectly, encapsulating the era’s spirit. It’s a choice that’s both inspired and appropriate for the series.
Sharing his thoughts on social media, Shankar explained the reasoning behind this musical direction. He described his Devil May Cry universe as anchored in the late ’90s to early 2000s, reminiscent of the PS2 era. “It’s not in modern times,” Shankar mentions, “it reflects my memory of the world before and after 9/11.” Thus, the soundtrack features hits from that period alongside reimagined tracks from the Devil May Cry universe, thanks to synthwave duo Power Glove, who previously worked on Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.
Shankar also mentioned that each season would bring a fresh vibe, mirroring the unique feel of each game in the series. With distinct theme songs and title designs for every season, he warned fans to brace themselves for an unforgettable soundtrack experience.
Alongside this new glimpse into Devil May Cry, Netflix thrilled fans on Thursday with the announcement that the series will premiere on April 3. Originally slated for a 2024 release, it’s exciting to finally have a concrete date to look forward to.
The anime is spearheaded by Adi Shankar, known for hits like Castlevania and Captain Laserhawk. Written by Alex Larsen (of Yasuke fame), this eight-episode series promises a deep dive into the younger days of Dante, drawing inspiration from the 2005 prequel, Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening. Studio Mir, renowned for projects like The Legend of Korra and Harley Quinn, leads the animation efforts.
Netflix’s Devil May Cry anime builds on the celebrated 23-year-old action series from Capcom, created by the visionary Hideki Kamiya. Kamiya has recently been in the spotlight with his return to the Okami franchise, while Devil May Cry fans eagerly await new developments after the 2018 release of Devil May Cry 5. Here’s hoping this anime series rekindles the excitement for more adventures in this beloved universe.