Shortly after Sony sent out their emails to announce the launch of PlayStation Wrap-Up 2024, the webpage went offline due to some technical hiccups. It’s become a bit of a pattern with Sony’s online updates to have a few glitches at first. However, this particular issue outdid itself since it was practically non-functional from the start and remained down for the better part of the night.
## When will PlayStation Wrap-Up 2024 be back online?
While writing this, we’re still facing the familiar “We’ll be back soon” message. Just like last year, similar tech issues accompanied the initial launch. Back then, though, Sony managed to sort things out in just a few hours. I previously speculated that we might see a similar quick fix this time, but Sony exceeded my predictions.
Briefly, the PlayStation Wrap-Up for 2024 did work for some, albeit requiring multiple attempts to pass through the login and numerous refreshes to view the stats. Those who succeeded in accessing the features were in for a pleasant surprise: some fascinating statistics celebrating PlayStation’s 30th anniversary. Without giving too much away, players are treated to bits of history, starting with their first day on the PSN.
We’ll make sure to keep our readers posted on when PlayStation Wrap-Up 2024 is fully operational again.