Masaaki Hayasaka, the producer known for his work on the impressive Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, recently shared some insights with Bloomberg. He discussed the cautious approach Square Enix is taking when it comes to releasing more HD-2D games. The topic came up during a conversation about the possibility of remaking other Dragon Quest games with the same visually stunning engine. Hayasaka explained that it’s a delicate issue within the company, with even senior management undecided and regularly deliberating on the matter.
“If we were to release too many games too quickly, gamers might lose interest,” Hayasaka pointed out. “Conversely, if too much time passes between releases, the series might lose its vitality and appeal. It’s something that we’re constantly pondering and trying to strike the right balance.”
This careful consideration showcases the challenge of maintaining both excitement and freshness in a beloved series without overextending the market.